Monday, January 23, 2017

wallpaper on international tiger day

wallpaper was prepared by the students of Swami  Vivekanand Vidyalaya, Borim Ponda Goa

laboratory exhibition

all apparatus, models, reagents were exhibited to make students aware about them

laboratory arrangement

all the apparatus were arranged according to different branches of science

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Exhibition of conservation natural resources

Science exhibition was done for standard 6th under the topic Consevation of natural resources in group of 6 . Many creative models qere exhibited such namely green house effect , rain water harvest , plantation of trees for green forest, water pollution , solar saving, water saving  etc.The aim was toake students focus on use of natural resources by triggerring their inquisitiveness towards man made problems.

Science laboratory arrangment

This activity of arrangement of science laboratory was an group activity whereqe arranged the glassware , labelled them accordingly, maintained and labelled the science charts , appratus and chemical regents  maintainence etc. 

Wallchart of digestive system in human body

The wallchart of digestive system in human body was used to explain the digestion processand the different parts involved in it. The main objective was to make student aware of differents parts involved in digestion. By visualizing the human parts in large scale sized they could brain sketch the shape of the human part.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

mini nursery at door step

Students from class 6th were told to get flowering,  decorative or any other plants which can be grown in small pots or any decorative piece which looks attractive but plants should grow into it. The objective behind the activity was to make students aware of tgeir surrounding habitat and increase the creative sense. 

Exhibition of medicinal plants

Class 6th students were divided into groups and told to get medicinal plants and decorate the pots of their choice.  The plants were labeled and its importance and how its been used were hanged and displayed onto the pots. Later on exhibition was done in school campus.

Celebration of mangroves day on 20 th july 2016

Mangroves day was celebrated in school on 20 july 2016.  wherein we had prepared wallpaper on mangroves brief. And later on in junior class we had shown mangroves habitat video and peesentation on how to conserve and its importance for coastal region. 

wallpaper on science and its facts

Students from class 7th were told to get science facts reflecting on rituals,  customs, reasons behind the study, etc. They were written on post-it and stuck on wall chart. Which was then exhibited on notice board.

To study the stages of germination of seeds in moong dal.

Students of standard 6th were first explained the stages of germinaton of seeds and assignment was given in groups of student.  Where they were told grow diferenet seeds examples like moong dal,  tur dal, ragi, wheat etc. And observe their stages at each level to know their differences. Later on this plants were labelled and exhibited in school campus. The main objective to let students know the growth of plant and their stages from seeds.